Thursday, September 22, 2022

Posting Schedule Derailed

My posts are going to be erratic for quite some time. I'll still be posting, despite the deafening silence of the minute masses, but a serious problem has arisen.

In my 8 September 2022 post, "My Poor Beleaguered Psyche," I mentioned the possibility that I was developing carpal tunnel syndrome - CTS - and how diabetes can be a causal factor. It hasn't been officially diagnosed yet, but a new symptom has been added to the mix.

Calm down. I know it's exciting to watch me slowly fall apart, but control yourselves, you savages.

Yesterday, without the slightest provocation, the pad of my right thumb started to hurt. It wasn't a pain that slowly developed. It went from 0 to 60 instantly. (I know the pain scale is 1 to 10. I wasn't using that. I was using... ~ grumble-grumble-grumble ~ Never mind.) I took 1,000 mg. of acetaminophen, 400 mg. of ibuprofen, 5 mg. of oxycodone, and wrapped my thumb with a trimmed down lidocaine patch. I got some relief, but not a lot.

Some of my pains... If I ignore them overnight, I wake up and they don't bother me anymore. I chalk such things up to my nervous system having been ravaged by diabetic neuropathy and leave it at that. But this thumb pain was just as intense this morning, so I committed the cardinal sin of "doing my own research."

It's cancer. It's always cancer when you look things up on your own. Obviously, I have thumb cancer. "Thumb cancer" isn't real, but now I have it. Fite me! 😛

In review, I have an intense tingling throughout my right hand that never abates. It will vary in intensity, but it's always there. Now there's this incredible pain in my thumb, so I looked up "pad of thumb pain" on Google. In all honesty, I expected to get no results. No one in the world experiences intense pain in just the pad of their thumb. That weird symptom is reserved for me and my miserable luck. But to my surprise, it's a specific symptom of arthritis or CTS. Combining my two symptoms, I'm gonna say it's a good guess that I have the latter.

So I'm not a happy camper, and I'm going to have to slow down my posts a but to give my poor hand a break. I'm going to aim for every four or five days. I know this is heartbreaking for you, so let's not dwell on it.

Instead, let us celebrate this day, 22 September 2022, the First Day of Fall!

Mmm... Yummy brake pads! 💖

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