Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Disaster Supplements

Oh, have I got a treat for you! It's the wounds on my legs! That's right! I've decided to let you bask in the glory of the nonsense I have to deal with. These pictures are fresh from this morning. And remember, all this can be yours for the low, low price of ignoring your blood sugars!

I'll start with the wound that started this adventure almost two weeks ago.

It's a terrible angle, but that little line near the bottom started out as a crusty scab that was looking somewhat annoyed. Keeping it clean. Keeping it covered with antibiotic ointment and fresh gauze. Taking the antibiotics as prescribed by my PCP. These actions have it looking pretty good today.

BONUS WOUND! This little guy higher up on my shin is from the components of a shelving unit falling on my leg. This was one of those wounds that I felt and treated immediately. Because I received it at the tail end of the antibiotics I was already taking, infection didn't really have a chance to settle in.

This is the section of skin that peeled away when I removed the taped dressing a few days ago. Mmm! Looks deliciously moist, doesn't it? And just look at that discolored flesh from wounds in the same spot repeatedly! I tell ya, it's a wonder I can keep women from climbing all over me!

And now... for the absolute... without the shadow of doubt in my mind... dumbest development yet!

Yup. I accidentally managed to make it bigger. All I did was gently probe to see if there was still fluid buildup around the wound and the skin simply sloughed off! You can see a small fold of skin. It was so soft that it was a miracle the skin was attached to me AT ALL! 

Do you know what this means? It means I CAN'T SHOWER! Not until I've done about a week of decent healing. "But Rob... Why can't you shower?" Because the skin has become almost inconsequential, barely performing its function, and softening it further in the shower risks removing even more. If I had two feet, I could cover the area with a trash bag and seal it higher on my leg, where the skin is healthier. However, I sometimes have to stand on my remaining foot in the shower, and the bag would create a fall risk too dangerous for a guy living alone.

Thankfully, I have an alternative method of staying clean. Hospital grade antibacterial wipes. They'll at least keep me from being followed by a cloud of stink wherever I go.

That's it, folks. No funny pics or teases about beautiful women. You got four pics of my "sexy" wounds today. No, no... You don't have to thank me. It's a service I'm only too happy to provide free of any cost to you.

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