Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Crystal Ball

Oh, hey. You're back. That's good. I could use the company. I'd like it if the people perusing this blog would say something. The only reason I've set it for review first is to keep things civil. If I present something that you could correct or corroborate, I'd love to hear it. Or if there's something on your mind that you'd like me to discuss, you could submit a request. You just have to click that "comment" link. 😉

But since I'm a Type 1, insulin dependent diabetic for 48 years, I have A LOT of stories I could be telling without prompting. Thus, I thought I'd present a list to you of potentials. Left to my own devices, I'll continue to just throw random tales at you and see what sticks. This list short list will include brief summaries so you'll have a better idea of what you might want to request.

  1. How I learned to cheat right in front of the people who were supposed to keep me from doing exactly that. I was 10, I was performing in a musical, and things got a little crazy on the night of our first performance. It was all down hill from there.
  2. Good and bad physicians. It turns out that doctors and human! (I know! Whodda thunk it?) I've had A LOT of doctors. Most were good, but some were bad. VERY bad.
  3. Doctors with "principles." These are doctors who refuse to provide certain methods of care - specifically medications - regardless of said treatments' success in the patient's history.
  4. Good and bad psychologists. I've already said that chronic illness comes with a degree of mental illness. That means seeking treatment, and the providers run the gamut from excellent to downright useless.
  5. Related to #4, the incubator's quest to get me psychological help as a child. You'd think that this would be a tale of her trying to actually care for her child, but you'd be wrong. Very, very wrong.
  6. Following the theme of psychology, there are tales of being hospitalized for depression. One such tale has me fighting to get my diabetic neuropathy addressed in dramatic fashion.
  7. Osteomyelitis. Remember when I said that infections can go deeper than skin level? Well, this is an infected bone. I've had it twice.
  8. Pain management mishaps. Diabetes and pain go hand-in-hand as things go from bad to worse. I was once on a cocktail of pain medications so heavily dosed that it was a miracle I was functional at all! 
  9. Suicide attempts. One of a number of tough subjects for me. I can't be the only diabetic in the world to get so depressed that ending it all seemed like a good idea. If you're motivated by morbid curiosity, please don't ask for this one. If, however, you want to know that you're not alone, I'll gladly share my experiences.
  10. Diabetes and medications unrelated to diabetes care. From over-the-counter meds to prescriptions, these have the phrase, "if you're a diabetic," meaning that it may somehow affect your control.
  11. Drugs and alcohol. When I was young and stupid, I had the opportunity to be young and even stupider!
  12. Smoking cigarettes. How I started smoking for what is probably the dumbest reason on the planet, how it affected my diabetes, and the struggle to quit.
  13. Lost insulin. Talk about dumb! This is the tale of moving from PA to KS and leaving all of my insulin behind.
  14. People's reactions when I reveal I'm a Type 1 diabetic. From the girl who thought she could catch it from me to people who know a diabetic, there's an entire range of misunderstanding this rather common disease.
  15. Becoming disabled at the age of 33. Yup. After a mere 26 years of mismanaged diabetes, I was declared disabled. Mind you, it was a five-year-long battle to get my benefits, but I shouldn't have become disabled in my early 30's.
  16. Fighting for care. Oh, the hoops you have to jump through to get what you need! This story would involve a lapse in my prescription drug insurance and my need for a powered mobility device.
  17. Dietary adventures. As diabetics, we can't easily find snacks for cravings between meals. So I can reveal the skinny on chips, diabetic candy, etc.
  18. The loss of my left foot. Probably the toughest subject for me to discuss. While I faced it with a lot of humor, underneath I'm seething with rage at how it happened and the aftermath. For this story, I'll have pictures... and you won't like them. This lengthy tale will include malpractice and a nightmarish romantic relationship. So, y'know... excessive drama.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure there's more hiding in the darker corners of my mind, so I'll bring them up as I go along.

Meanwhile, I mentioned diabetes membership jackets as a joke last post. Then I found this, and now I'm thinking maybe it should be made a reality.

Actually, you can actually find clothing with this on it. Just look up "Sons of Diabetes Insulin Chapter." And no, I'm not receiving any kind of kickback. I just thought it was neat.

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